Monday, April 9, 2007

NABS Meeting in Columbia, Sc

To the FWGNA group,

We here in the Palmetto State are looking forward to hosting the annual meeting of the North American Benthological Society, coming up right around the corner, June 3 - 7! The venue will be the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center, located in the heart of our capital city, on the edge of the University of South Carolina campus. Read all about it at the NABS meeting web site [link removed].

Advance registration ends April 20, so hurry! Yours truly has volunteered to man the gastropod station at the Taxonomy Fair on Tuesday afternoon, June 5. I'd love to see as many of our friends as are in town. And bring all those pesky freshwater snails you can't identify. I especially like juvenile pulmonates, the smaller the better.... broken if possible.

See you in Columbia!